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Wiederverwendbare Menstruationsscheiben von Bodyotics (2er-Pack)

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Entdecken Sie die Wärme und Pflege der wiederverwendbaren Menstruationsscheiben von Bodyotics, die während Ihrer Periode Komfort und Bequemlichkeit vereinen. Diese Scheiben sind so konzipiert, dass sie sich angenehm um die Basis Ihres Gebärmutterhalses legen und bis zu 12 Stunden auslaufsicheren Schutz bieten.

Sie halten Sie nicht nur trocken, sondern sorgen auch dafür, dass Sie intime Momente ohne Pause genießen können. Egal, ob Sie unterwegs sind oder einen ruhigen Abend zu Hause verbringen, die mitgelieferte hygienische Tragetasche macht diese Scheiben zu einer diskreten und praktischen Wahl für die Kontrolle Ihrer Periode.

Mit Größen, die für alle Arten von Blutungen, von leicht bis stark, angepasst sind, bietet jede Scheibe eine bequeme Abdichtung, die bis zu 60 ml Blut aufnimmt und Ihnen Freiheit und Selbstvertrauen verleiht. Über die persönlichen Vorteile hinaus bedeutet die Entscheidung für Bodyotics einen Schritt in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit, da der Abfall im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Damenhygieneprodukten um 60 % reduziert wird.


  • Hergestellt aus medizinischem Silikon
  • Bietet bis zu 12 Stunden Schutz
  • Enthält 2 Größen: S und L
  • Wird mit einer Tragetasche geliefert

Lesen Sie die Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung: So führen Sie eine Menstruationsscheibe ein

Customer Reviews

Based on 187 reviews
Catarina N.
2 month experience

I have them for 2 months now and everything has been great! It was my first experience with menstrual discs. I started with the small one but soon realized that the bigger one was better for me. It was a bit scary at first since it sits a lot higher on the vaginal canal than my previous cup but the hoop made it really easy to remove. It does provide mess free sex during your period. My partner does feel it sometimes during sex but it doesn't feel uncomfortable and we enjoy it alot more knowing there won't be a bloody mess after we're done! I realized that after sex the disc twists a bit and the hoop is harder to reach so it's a bit complicated to remove, takes a little patience. I have spotting and have been using it for alot longer than the usual 1 week period it has worked wonders! I only had one leakage experience and I realized that I probably didn't insert it correctly because i took it out and insert it again focusing on aiming down under the cervix and had no leakage after.

Hi Catarina! Thank you for taking the time to leave a review. We're so glad to hear that the Bodyotics Reusable Menstrual Disc has been working well for you during the past 2 months. We understand that it can be a bit scary to try something new, but we're happy to hear that the bigger size has been a better fit for you. We're also glad to hear that the hoop has made it easy to remove and that it has provided mess-free sex during your period. Thank you for sharing your tips on inserting the disc correctly, we're sure other customers will find it helpful. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Thanks a bunch!!!

Kate f.C.
It's great. Buy it. Really.

So much better than a tampon - I always feel them inside, but I don't feel the disc at all! Easy to get out and easy to know that you put it in correctly. No leaking. Very useful pocket to keep the disc on the go. Genuinely just a great thing to have.

Thank you for your positive review! We're so glad to hear that the Bodyotics Reusable Menstrual Disc is working well for you. It's great to know that you find it more comfortable than a tampon and that it has been leak-free for you. The pocket feature is definitely a convenient addition for on-the-go use. 😊 Thanks for choosing our product! 🙌

The perfect period companion ❤️

I struggled with heavy periods and messing on my clothes all the time but the disc are everything, so comfortable.

Hi Tirrie! Thank you for sharing your experience with our Bodyotics Reusable Menstrual Discs! We're so glad to hear that they have been the perfect period companion for you. ❤️ We designed them with comfort in mind and we're happy to know they have helped with your heavy periods and mess-free clothing. We appreciate your support and hope to continue providing you with a hassle-free period experience. Take care.

Funktioniert bei mit nicht

Habe es nicht geschafft das es dicht hält. Somit leider unbrauchbar für mich.

Best Solution for Me

From the very first use, I am finding the small size Bodyotics Menstrual Disc the most comfortable, secure, clean, and easy-to-use answer to my period needs. I love the way the disc fits my petite body, does its job, and keeps my blood from oxidizing outside my vagina and emitting a smell I dislike. I insert and take out the disc in the shower. On the two heavier-flow days and I rinse and repeat day and night. By the third day I’m only using the disc in the daytime.

I’ve never had a good experience with a menstrual cup, though in theory the benefits of one have always appealed to me. I have light flow and a very small body – larger cups were uncomfortable and even small ones felt too tall/long for comfortable wear, especially when I needed to commute somewhere by bicycle.

Pads never fit right and never seemed to stay put as intended, but rather tended to bunch up inside my underwear. Adhesive would come loose and stick to my skin. And the smell would be hard to bear, both in my clothing and in the trash. For years I had been combining non-bulky pantyliners with visits to the toilet frequent enough that most of my menstrual blood was being expelled this way. Most, but not all – and accidents would happen, though these were still preferable to wearing pads. Now I feel completely liberated from all the negatives ever endured during my period – and free to enjoy menstruating, which I do, for reasons I can’t quite define. (It helps that my periods are virtually pain-free – and the gentle pain I occasionally experience I somehow enjoy.)

Hi Natalia! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience with our Bodyotics Reusable Menstrual Disc. We are so happy to hear that it has been the best solution for you and has provided comfort, security, cleanliness, and ease of use during your period. We understand the struggle with finding the right menstrual product for your body and we are thrilled that our disc has met all your needs. We are glad that you are feeling liberated and able to enjoy menstruating with our disc. Thank you for choosing Bodyotics and we wish you many more positive experiences with our product! 😊

All the best,
Bodyotics Care Team


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