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9 Easy Pelvic Stretches to Instantly Relieve Pelvic Pain at Home

9 Easy Pelvic Stretches to Instantly Relieve Pelvic Pain at Home

Pelvic floor stretches are designed to relieve pelvic pain and loosen pelvic floor muscles. Pelvic stretches target each muscle group and joint of the pelvic floor. You can combine these stretches or just work on one move for better pelvic mobility.

All of the mentioned pelvic floor stretches below can easily be done at home without any equipment. All you will need is a comfortable mat (a soft fluffy carpet can also be used) and a spare pillow. 

If you would like to see better results, then combine and use bodyotics deluxe kegel weighted exercise balls for faster pelvic pain relief. 

The Happy Baby 

The Happy Baby pelvic floor exercise

Ever seen a baby reaching out for his toes? Well, that is exactly what you would be doing with this pelvic stretch. Lay down on your back, and open your arms towards the sky, now raise your legs slowly to meet your arms. Hold this posture in place for 10 secs.

Make sure to keep your legs open. You don't have to squeeze your glutes, rather relax your muscles. Take 3 deep breaths. Inhale through your nose, hold your breath for 2 seconds, and breathe out through your mouth. Do this for a couple of seconds before relaxing your pose. 


Hold a pillow between your legs to keep them in place or prevent shaking. You can also use a soft belt to help your legs stay put. 

Happy baby helps relax your pelvic floor muscle and should always be the start of your pelvic exercises routine. It helps tighten your core, and accommodate your pelvic muscles for the rest of the exercises to follow.

Child Pose 

Child Pose pelvic floor exercise

This is the most rewarding pelvic floor pose that fully stretches your pelvic floor. Like a child, rest both of your knees on your soft mat. Make sure you are comfortable sitting on your knees. Now bend down and fully stretch both of your arms ahead of you on the mat floor. Push your palms slightly on your mat. Stretch your back and rest your face down on the mat. Simply let go of everything with 3 deep breaths and maintain your posture for 15 seconds.


If you struggle with sitting on your knees, place a soft pillow between your legs and hip to support your leg rest, and lay facedown with your arms wide stretched ahead of you.

Child pose is a deep pelvic floor stretch that works your back, hip, and lower joint muscle movement. 

Pelvic Tilt 

Pelvic Tilt pelvic floor exercise

Rest your back on your mat and place both of your arms under your head. Now slowly rise your abdomen region to the sky, hold it for 5 seconds, and then bring it back. Repeat this 15 times. 

The pelvic tilt is a great exercise for stretching your core abdomen muscles around your pelvic region while strengthening the muscles of your lower back.


Hold your pelvis position for 2 seconds. You can also place a small pillow under your lower back so that you don't have to raise your hips high.

Deep Squat 

Deep Squat pelvic floor exercise

As the name of the pelvic exercise implies, this exercise requires you to go into the lowest squat position you can hold. You can use a stool or hold a table counter to support your deep squat. Place your feet wider than your hips and plunge into the lowest squat you can. Try to keep your back still and your feet flat. Hold your position for 15 seconds while doing deep breathing.

A deep squat helps in the pelvic floor opening. It releases pelvic muscle tension and allows a full stretch of your pelvic floor.


Drop your hips to a medium-low position and slowly work on going down to the full stretch.

Knee to Chest 

Knee to Chest pelvic floor exercise

Lay down on your back and relax your legs against your mat. Now bend your knee towards your chest and hold it in place for 30 seconds. Make sure you are doing deep breathing while holding your knee. Repeat the same with the other knee. This is the simplest form of pelvic exercise that ensure pelvic mobility.


Bring your knee towards your chest as close as possible and place a soft pillow beneath your leg to support your leg lift.

Cow Stretch 

Cow Stretch pelvic floor exercise

This is a great pelvic stretch for pregnant women. Begin by placing your hands and knees comfortably on your soft mat. Take a deep breath, allowing your abdomen to rise to your back, without moving your shoulders or hips. Hold your breath for 3 seconds and slowly exhale pushing your lower back down and tilting your head towards the sky. 

Repeat this a couple of times with deep breathing.


If you struggle with resting on all fours then simply fold your legs backward with a little space between them and simply sit with your spine set straight. Rise a little on your hip bone as you inhale and settle back as you exhale. This will keep your pelvic floor muscles moving.

Donkey Kicks 

Donkey Kicks pelvic floor exercise

Donkey kicks are great pelvic stretches that will also help with your glutes and abdomen muscles. All you have to do is get on your hands and knees. Slowly lift your leg backward and gently kick in the air. Repeat it with one leg at a time for 25 seconds. Switch to the next leg and repeat the move.


You can raise your leg instead of kicking in the air.

Hamstring Stretch


Hamstring is a group of muscles in the back of your thigh. It helps you in taking long strides where you bend the knee and fully extend the hip. Simply place your leg on an elevated surface and slowly bend your back forward. Hold this position for 30 seconds before repeating with the other leg. The hamstring muscles are attached to your pelvis region, which is why exercising for them is important. 


Place your leg on a low elevation and then work your way up by placing your leg on higher elevations.

Flat Frog

Flat Frog pelvic floor exercise

This is the easiest pelvic stretch exercise, to begin with. If you are a beginner then this is perfect for you. Simply rest on your back, bring your footpads together with your knees falling apart and relax. Hold this pelvic relaxing position for 30 seconds while doing deep breathing. This is also a great pelvic stretch for pregnancy. 


Don't fully stretch your legs, do it slowly before resting them in the desired pose.

The Final Takeaway 

Movement is important in pelvic pain relief. A sedentary lifestyle can also add more to your pelvic pain. It's always best to start with slow steady steps. You wouldn't want to further damage your pelvic area by straight away jumping into self-sustained pelvic exercises. It's always best to start with a few simple moves to help make a start with pelvic stretch exercises at home.